After 212 Games, 126 Wins and 17 seasons of Phantom Hockey at Rivertown Sports, the Phantoms would like to say good bye and thanks. During the past four years, the Yellow and Black have been apart of hockey at Rivertown and during that time the team has met a lot of friends and of course created a lot of enemies. It was only fitting that during the final Phantom game on Saturday, October 21st the Phantoms tangled with BioHazard. For nearly the entire 4 years at Rivertown, the Phantoms and BioHazard/Maly's/Reforms/Plyforms have battled it out countless times in some of the greatest Phantom games at Rivertown Sports. The 4-3 final during that Brass Championship game was all too fitting for two teams who are among the oldest operating at Rivertown sports and two teams that feature a great skilled roster. The overtime win against Real Men of Genius during the semi-final game and the regular season finale against BioHazard made this Phantom season a success and what a way to close out the team's era at Rivertown Sports. The Phantoms would like to say thanks to Jason Schemmel, Tim Czyzyk, Tony Brooks and Andrew Erickson for playing on the team during our final RT season. The Phantoms would like to say thanks to Rick Rillett and Tyle Whitcomb as owners of Rivertown. While there has been some tension and conflict during the past 212 games, its been great and overall fun. As the team changes direction towards Lazerskate, the Phantoms would again say thanks to everyone who has been apart of Phantom Hockey and to everyone who has made Rivertown Sports a great place to play.