After 17 Seasons under the lights in Grandville, the Phantoms are at best taking a season off. The team has decided to not return to Rivertown for their Winter 2006 season. The team will move up to Lazerskate and remain active up there. More details and information on this topic will be issued at a later date. The 17 Season Run...Comes to an End.
Successes of the Phantom:
17 Seasons of Hockey, Thats Over 4 Straight Years of Phantom Hockey
With over 210 Games Played, the Phantoms Are Rivertown's Oldest team, Not to Mention the longest consectively running team.
Two Championships, Over 112 Victories and a winning percentage of 60%.
Ironic Note: Rivertown's oldest team comes from Muskegon, not Grand Rapids. Thats Over 35 Miles Each Way to a Game. Talk About Devotion!