The Phantoms continue to follow in the team's rich history of presenting the championship trophy to the player who has worn the yellow sweater the longest. For the Winter 2006 Silver Championship, Matt Zehr was next-in-line to take home a piece of Phantom history. Matt has been apart of Phantom Hockey for 17 of the team's 18 seasons. It's a home-coming present to Matt, since he returned to the team this season after taking last season off to rest from an on-going leg injury. Matt has been a very important piece to the Phantom puzzle and he is indeed very deserving of this honor. While the actual trophy given to the Phantoms for the Championship Photo will remain in a brand new trophy case at Lazerskate Sports Plex with the team name engraved on a plaque, Matt will be given a trophy from Lazerskate in which he will be able to call his own. On behalf of the rest of your Phantom team-mates, Congratulations Matt on a very deserving and accomplishment.